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"Body, Mind, Spirit – Balance"

Located in a beautiful setting, just above Blue Spring in the White River Valley

Call for more information: â€‹479-244-5631

Medical Qigong

What to expect from a 

Medical Qigong Treatment.

A Medical Qigong session is experienced while you lay on a massage table. You stay fully clothed. There is some touch and some no touch. It is energy work. The practitioner will be dipping into your energy field as needed for purging, tonifing and regulating your energy system.  After the session, you may be given some exercises to do at home to support your healing journey.

About Rebekah Clark, BME, MMT, MQT

Rebekah Clark, therapist.jpg

Rebekah is a 

Medical Qigong Therapist. She is also State Licensed for Cranio Sacral Therapy. 


Rebekah offers her clients excellent Medical Qigong Therapy, CranioSacral or Sound Therapy.


She is a former Massage Therapist, recently having completed a rewarding career, now retired from Massage. She is also a Sound Therapist and trained in Music Therapy. For years she has studied and explored multiple paths of healing. She has presented workshops for numerous organizations and facilitates “sacred song” events.


She may use tuning forks, singing bowls, voice and more in her therapies. Her work facilitates creating the space for healing through multiple approaches which include: 


Medical QiGong TherapyCranioSacral Therapy, & Sound Therapy. Other options include Ear Candling.


These services are offered at her studio, with its amazing view. Sessions are offered Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, or Saturday, by appointment.


Call for more information: 





Medical Qigong
Introductory price
for a limited time
$55/Session or 3 Sessions/$150

Other offerings include:
Ear Candling

Gift Certificates available


By Appointment

(Tues., Wed., Fri. or Sat.)

Call 479-244-5631

361 Beatrice Dr.
Eureka Springs, Arkansas
(just off Blue Spring Rd. in Eureka Springs West) MAP


See our weekly QiGong classes at the bottom of the Events Page.​


Your treatment session will be customized to your needs and requests. What do you need?



Imago Healing Therapies near Eureka Springs Arkansas

There is a beautiful view of the White River from our location.

Gradient Fluid

Imago = Create, Transform
(dictionary meaning= final stage of metamorphosis of a butterfly.)

I use this word to represent the transformation & miracles that often occur when we open to the “All that Is” ~~ or you may call it your “I Am Presence.”

Private Sessions, Workshops,
Sacred Song Events

Call 479 244 5631 or email Rebekah Clark 


Imago Healing Therapies is located in Eureka Springs West – Mother Nature’s favorite destination in the Ozarks.


This beautiful area showcases the northern edge of Beaver Lake, headwaters of the White River, and hundreds of natural springs– a true water wonderland.


Find out about upcoming events here.


Surround yourself with tranquility in an environment featuring diverse wildlife and numerous recreational opportunities….and call to schedule a treatment session for the ultimate healing treat! 


Here's the MAP.

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